Sprichst du deutsch ?

It appears that English speakers are now able to access most of in English, just in time for the end of year sales.

Knowing only English and French, I had used Amazon UK and Amazon France for years for the German CDs and DVDs I couldn’t get in Canada. But now I guess i’ll be able to use their German site for vinyl as well.

They’re still working on translating most of the site though so you might still run into German pages as you browse the site.

Goodbye CD Warehouse

My favourite independent music retailer has announced that they will be closing their doors permanently next spring after 25 years of operation.

CD Warehouse had at one time been a major source for compact discs and DVDs in Ottawa with three stores in the Ottawa area and another in Kingston, Ontario. But sales of compact discs have of course dropped significantly since the commercialization of music downloads on the internet and although the retailer has started selling vinyl and renting DVDs/Blurays, the reduction in stores and the closing of the chain was an eventuality.

The chain’s online counterpart,, also faltered and failed to gain traction against the major music retailers online. And unfortunately the industry has not provided enough new releases or re-releases to keep customers like me going to the store.

This closure will unfortunately result in the loss of yet another source for vinyl in my city. And now residents of the city will need to either go downtown for their used and new LPs or order these albums online.

Various FAQ Added

I’ve just added a general frequently asked questions page, in which I address questions I had previously been asked. It will of course expand over the next few days, as I start remembering some more emails.

Hope it helps you.

Cinram Files For Bankruptcy

Cinram, one of the world largest CD, DVD and blu-ray manufacturers, has filled for bankruptcy. This was in response to the loss of a major contract with Warner Music Group Corp.

Canadian Listings Completed

I’ve just completed the addition of both parts of the Canadian CD/DVD & Blu-Ray source listings to this blog, which can be found in the menu on the left side of this page, under Buy Stuff. I hope to have the memorabilia listings up by the end of this month.

BTW, I will turn on comments after the transition and will probably add a contact form for additions, corrections and comments.