General Purchasing FAQ
- What payment options are available in Canada ?
Most online retailers accept VISA or Mastercard credit cards but some also accept American Express credit cards, Paypal and Interac Debit Payments.
- How reliable are the sources you’ve listed or linked ?
I have only purchased material from a few of the sources I’ve listed so it would be impossible for me to guarantee the reliability of these sources. But you should note that all of the dealers I’ve listed have had their contact information confirmed by a Canadian telephone directory, the listings with c/o entries being that of small home based businesses that were listed under another business name or the proprietor’s name in the residential listings of their provincial telephone directory.
- Does Canada have a Better Business Bureau office ?
Yes, it does. You can consult the online listings or contact them by clicking here.
- What taxes are Canadians subject to when ordering online ?
This depends on your province and the province in which the retailer is located. If both are in the same province, the purchase will be subject to the tax of that province. But most will be subject to either GST or HST.
- What taxes are Canadians subject to when ordering from foreign countries ?
None in the foreign country but you might be subject to duties and taxes once the order is processed by Customs or a courier’s customs department. Please consult my “Importing Music & Film To Save Money” article for additional information.
- What taxes are foreigners subject to when ordering from Canada ?
None in Canada but they might be subject to duties and taxes once the order reaches their customs authority.
- What about gifts sent from Canada to foreigners ?
Some gifts valued under a specific amount may not be subject to duties and taxes. These exemptions vary from country to country but the general rule is that the customs declaration form should include the words “unsolicited gift” and the recipient must not reside at the same address as the person who purchased the gift.
- Are CDs Copy Protected in Canada ?
The vast majority of domestic Canadian releases are not copy protected because of a consumer backlash created by the Sony Root Kit. But some releases imported from Europe may be copy protected.
- What formats of DVD/Blu-Ray are sold in Canada ?
Most major studio DVDs sold in Canada are Region 1 whilst most major studio Blu-rays sold in Canada are Region A. Both are compatible with players sold in North America but will not likely play in players sold outside of North America. BUT some region free discs are sold in Canada, which are compatible with most players that are NTSC compatible. Please consult your player’s manual.
- Are multi-region/region free players sold legally in Canada ?
Yes and no. You may inadvertently purchase a “zone free” player or player that can be altered. But it appears that the sale of a player advertised as being “multi-region” or “region free” may be illegal in Canada because of our latest copyright amendments that forbid the circumvention of “technological protection measures“.
- Where can I find instructions on how to alter my player to make it “zone free” ?
Unfortunately the copyright amendments that have recently passed may forbid the conveying of these instructions because these may promote the circumvention of “technological protection measures“.
- I have a region free DVD/Blu-Ray disc but it’s in PAL and wont play on my player. Why ?
Many players sold in North America only play NTSC discs and some only broadcast discs in the format they’re in, requiring a television that is PAL compatible. Please consult your manuals.
- Am I breaking the law watching PAL formatted discs ?
No. When discs are made region free they are meant to be viewed worldwide.
- Where can I purchase a Pal compatible player in Canada ? and has a few DVD and Blu-ray players that play both NTSC and PAL discs, some of which are also region free or multi zone.
- Do I absolutely need to buy a new player or television to view PAL discs ?
No. PAL/NTSC converters are also available from and , some of which use HDMI instead of component.
- Where can I buy cables for my DVD, Blu-ray or media player?
You can buy HDMI, composite video, DVI and digital optical Toslink audio cables from, and – Shop Now For PrimeCables Daily Deals
- Where can I buy CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Storage Books/Binders online ?
Bellagio-Italia has some great looking books and binders. You can buy them from either or .
- Where can I buy CD/DVD/Blu-ray Storage Towers/Furniture online ? , and Wayfair Canada are my usual sources in Canada. and SuperMediaStore also sells hard storage cases.
- Where can I find Music/Film cataloging software ? offers cataloging software, iOS mobile apps and cloud based cataloging options for all formats whilst Kix Software specializes in Music cataloging.
Vinyl Accessories FAQ
- Where can I buy a turntable/record player ?
You can purchase a turntable or record player online in Canada from and . and zZounds also ships to Canada.
- Where can I buy a turntable needle/stylus/cartridge ?
You can purchase a record player needle, stylus or cartridge in Canada from ,, . also ships to Canada.
- Where can I buy cables for my turntable/record player?
You can buy audio and digital optical Toslink audio cables from, and – Shop Now For PrimeCables Daily Deals
- Where can I buy vinyl cleaning supplies ?
You can purchase cloths, brushes and liquid to clean records/lps from and
- Where can I buy plastic LP sleeves ?
Plastic LP sleeves can be purchased in 100 packs from .
- Where can I buy a frame to hang a CD/Record on a wall ?
I usually pick up my record frames from my local Michaels. But some are also available from . I also like the CD Display Case at Michael’s.
- Where can I buy a spider online ?
“Spiders” (a.k.a 45 rpm spindle adapters or 45 rpm record insert) can be purchased online in Canada from 45rpmrecordadapters.