Well, Apple has decided to release a new gadget that they call the iPad.
Crude jokes aside this device has garnered my attention, more than the Kindle DX, because of its colorful display and wi-fi capability.
It’s as sleek as an iTouch but larger. And hopefully Apple considered that some consumers would like to mount it to a wall and use it as a networking device, like yours truly.
I’d like to be able to access MP3 files from a hard drive on my network and possibly connect wireless speakers to it so I don’t have to have these unsightly wires all over the place.
But of course Microsoft will likely create a Windows Media Center compatible tablet so there should be some competition by next Christmas.
I would consider the later as well if it was more competitively priced and offered 3G access for less. But for now Canadian will need to be content with a wi-fi model, that will be on sale in Canada this month according to the Financial Post.